Energisa finds saving with mTHM: Asset Performance Management (APM) poses a long-standing challenge for power utilities, most of which still operate legacy systems that are difficult to maintain. In many cases, this is due to a lack of effective real-time monitoring and diagnostics solutions that can cover diverse multiple standards and data points to accurately predict the transformers’ future health condition. Consequently, mission critical assets may fail, potentially causing life threatening situations, outages, heavy damages or significant replacement costs.
Providing an End-to-End Approach to DER Integration
Utility DER Integration Programs Need to Align Their Approaches and Technologies to Create an End-to-End Solution - a white paper by Guidehouse Insights
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mPrest provides real-time and mission-critical orchestration and optimization software for the modernization of the energy grid and distributed energy markets. Our unparalleled expertise is built on decades of experience developing some of the world’s most sophisticated and efficient command, control and analytics defense applications ever deployed – including the life-saving Iron Dome software.
The Interconnected Roles of DERMS and ADMS
A deep dive into complementary management systems.
DERMS and Beyond
mPrest HLS
Watch our latest video clip and learn more on our HLS application. Visit our web @ www.mprest.com
Natan Barak, mPrest CEO at 2017 OurCrowd Summit
mPrest interview at The Tech Talk Show
Our CEO, Natan Barak is interviewing with Jonny Caplan from The Tech Talk Show
mPrest Vector Media Event - Waldorf Astoria, Jerusalem
Natan Barak, CEO and Founder of mPrest - May 21, 2017
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