Over half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas, and this figure is expected to reach over 70% by 2060. As Industrial IoT (IIoT) technologies become available, cities and communities are undertaking smart city initiatives to provide residents with a safe, efficient and reliable digital infrastructure, enhanced quality of life and better economic opportunities.

With the acceleration of Electric Vehicles penetration, a new city paradigm is emerging. There will be soon tens of millions of storage and digital devices “on wheels” across our cities, with a huge impact on energy consumption, and outstanding opportunities to provide a new type of mobility and energy experience to citizens. As a result, mobility, smart city and energy converge and new types of market players emerge, requiring modern, highly flexible and scalable software technologies.

Integrated, One-Stop Smart City Management Application
mCity is a field-proven smart city application that enables unified monitoring, analytics and optimization of multiple city domains. Using advanced algorithms and big data analytics, mCity creates new opportunities for municipalities to optimize resource consumption, improve decision-making and planning, engage residents and improve overall quality of life and services.Based on a vendor-agnostic
Smart City as a Service for CSPs and System Integrators
mCity is also available as a SaaS application, enabling communications service providers (CSPs) and system integrators to drive revenue growth from smart city projects. This smart city-as-a-service option cuts implementation times from years to weeks, since there's no need to create huge technical teams with the required domain expertise.
Distributed Energy Resources Management (DERMS)
Who Moved the Power Utility's Cheese?
Vector Case Study
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