mPrest’s game-changing platform gives our customers a competitive edge by providing the flexibility and functionality they need to address the rapid changes, challenges, opportunities and threats in today’s world. Comprised of modular services, mPrest’s microservices-based platform offers a new paradigm for fast and efficient development of smart orchestration and optimization software applications.


Based on a holistic “system of systems” approach, mPrest platforms helps organizations integrate systems, assets and sensors across multiple disciplines into one unified system data set for visualization, analytics and operation. Using advanced analytics and artificial intelligence algorithms to correlate data across multiple domains in real time, mPrest’s platform enables unmatched levels of situational awareness and optimization of IT and OT processes and systems, total cost of ownership reduction, increased operational efficiency and better systems performance.

Smart City
Industrial IoT
Security & CIP
Cutting-Edge Microservices Architecture

mPrest employs a microservices architecture based on the decoupling of functional components, to provide rapid development cycles that result in high-quality software that is reusable and more supportable than traditional monolithic software applications. This design allows us to “mix and match” generic, field-proven components to meet the needs of a specific project or deployment, and allows customers to implement our smart management and control platform in a gradual manner. Together with our vendor-agnostic design, this facilitates best-of-breed deployments and integration with new and existing third-party systems.  Importantly, microservices are much easier to deploy, maintain, upgrade and support than monolithic software, providing the lowest possible lifecycle system cost. mPrest’s flexible solution architecture can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud, depending on the customer and type of application.

  • Vendor-agnostic: easily integrates with legacy and new systems, assets and sensors, allowing customers to adopt a “best of breed” strategy, accelerate deployment times, and mitigate project risks and costs
  • Faster time to market: build pilot projects in weeks and complete entire projects in months rather than years
  • Cost-effective adaptability and scalability: seamlessly adapt to changes in business rules, operating procedures and sensors, and easily scale for expansion
  • Future-proof, flexible design enables organizations to keep IoT applications in sync with a dynamic and unpredictable market, while avoiding costly legacy system upgrades or "forklift" replacements
  • User empowerment allows users to adjust operational flows, define new business logic, add sensors and interfaces rapidly and independently using a flexible rule-based engine
Distributed Energy Resources Management (DERMS)
The Interconnected Roles of DERMS and ADMS
Vector Case Study
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