Integrated, One-Stop Smart City Management Application

mCity is a field-proven smart city application that enables unified monitoring, analytics and optimization of multiple city domains. Using advanced algorithms and big data analytics, mCity creates new opportunities for communities to optimize resource consumption, improve decision-making and planning, engage citizens and improve overall quality of life and services.

Based on a vendor-agnosticsystem of systems” approach, mCity connects, integrates and leverages data from the vast number of diverse systems and IoT sensors that smart cities need to manage. It provides a holistic view of all assets and processes, while correlating multiple city disciplines and domains. A centralized dashboard, “drag and drop” rules engine, and simulation tools empower operators to address changing municipal needs.

mCity is also available as a SaaS application, enabling communications service providers (CSPs) and system integrators to drive revenue growth from smart city projects. This smart city-as-a-service option cuts implementation times from years to weeks, leveraging mPrest’s domain expertise and superior technology.


Key Benefits:
  • Connect, integrate and leverage data from myriad sensors and systems
  • Fast time-to-market using pre-tested, out-of-the-box applications
  • Vendor-agnostic architecture maximizes adaptability and enables seamless integration with existing digital and smart city applications, new systems and sensors, adapts to changes in business rules, operating procedures and sensors, and easily scales for expansion
  • Municipalities can "pick and choose" their components based on best of breed strategyM
  • Flexible deployment options - on-premise or cloud-based (SaaS)
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